these photos may show how steep the cliffs were. I loved the rainbow which seemed near enough to touch. The marble statue was just something that I thought was lovely and was a monument to one of the nuns who gave her time to the colony. It seemed so odd to have such a statue here where everything else is for lack of a better term, primitive. I took some pictures of Brother Joseph Dutton's grave for you and Jason, Vashti as that was Grandpa's name. His full name was Bernard Joseph Dutton I think so may be some family connection. I will check it out with Auntie Bev.
we are somewhat saddle sore this morning and Pa has gone down for his first (of many) naps in the day so I think I will clean up our lil pig sty!
HOLY SNAPPIN ARS^&*$% that is STEEP! I bet your little legs were clamped onto that ol mule! beautiful pictures again! oh yeah first post 2X come on there people! where's the challange in that?????
she who posts first
HOLY!! so uhh, whoever is leaving that first post, some of us have LIVES and can't hit refresh on mom's blog a million times in a day, just five hundred, which is why I've got second post bitchiez.
that is a rather random statue. very arty but looks out of place!
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