here are some random shots of trees,flowers and the like. the hibiscus are gorgeous and come in so many different colours. Pa is posing under an elephant ear tree which was huge. The bird of paradise is at the end of our building and the gecko actually fell onto my leg while we were driving! If it had of landed on pa we would haves had some screaming occurring cuz he doesn't like the reptiles much. But he safely climbed off of my leg and onto the window and then when we stopped he got off . Perhaps he was a runaway or simply a hitchhiker but it was pretty funny.
We snorkeled for about 3 hours today and I love love love it. I couldn't hear the humpback though perhaps because the surf was so loud. It is like we were flying over the coral as the surf swept us along very quickly. I only had one choking and gasping experience and finally was able to quiet my breathing to a more normal level. What an incredible Christmas this has been. I LOVE MOLAKAI!
Merry Christmas Hawaiians! the photos are just so beautiful! we had a lovely big dinner at Chays, but Chris and Shayla didn't make it up because of the road conditions..boo hoo I am so sad they weren't here:( but better safe and all that! .. enjoy your sunshine earthlings, cause it is cold and nasty here!! soak some up for me, so glad the snorkelling was fun!
miss you guys..luv Jac
mele kalikimaka! mama and Big Robin!
beautiful pictures.... wish I was there. So glad you are having such a wonderful time, cant wait to see you!!!!
aww that is too bad about Chris and Shayla not being able to come Jac. I have had a couple of moments that I felt quite sad that we are not at home but I rationalize that even if we were there we couldn't be with all of our children anyway so content myself with calling incessantly.
thanks for the lovely comments on the photography, I am getting better I think. and there are so many lovely things to photograph
I love you all
can't wait to hear how Charli's gift opening went.
and Vashti i had no idea you were versed in Hawaiian. So many talents in such a beautiful head! Michael is so lucky.
I don't blame you if you choose to stay...we've already adopted andy and he is settling in quite well.
Beautiful xmas ma, after this year you guys deserve it!
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