The next photo is up on 'nob' hill where we saw some more modern houses and a breathtaking view of the whole ocean. I liked the view but would never live that far away from the ocean (1/4 mile but we are only feet away)
The flower is the plumeria which grows on trees and is amazingly scented. I think it might be a national flower as it is seen everywhere on all the photos and post cards that tourists can buy. We first smelled it in Honolulu and here you don't smell it as often but I think that is because the wind whips it away before it actually gets to your olfactory glands! The wind blows constantly here which I love but I don't think Pa likes as well. Even inland it blows but more gently.
It is late afternoon now and pa has gone to the store to buy more rum and pineapple and I chose to stay at home. As is his usual, Pa fixed the leaky faucets here in the condo....Toby will be so happy as it is apparently extremely expensive and also takes a lot of time to get anyone to do such things. Pa is soooooo talented.
aloha for now.
pretty though.
Maybe next week the ever-talented pa can work you up some window frames!
ya I am not countin on that one!!
And I didn't pick them, they were on the ground! Well except the one in the tree. I have found the most amazing shells and coral washed up on the beaches. I may have to jettison some (all) of pa's clothing so I can bring them all home!
and dan you are my most loyal poster
thanks boo to the rest of you!
harummmm...Danica and I tie for most loyal poster, thank you very much!!! Ev make a lei outta the plummeria..don't pick any tho! we want to see photo's of you both covered in flowers...with only sandals on.. oh never mind you already did that! I am finally going for a dive tomorrow!!! woowee happy birthday to me! At least Robin remembered clothes to pack this trip, he is getting so good! enjoy the rest of your rum and pinapple days Evie... see you soon!
hey Oscar,Those pics are great!
as you enjoy the sun and scenery we are presently getting snowed on Boo! miss ya
see ya soon
luv felix.
ps thanks sooo much for the beautiful ctystal decanter I love it!!!
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