Have a look at the sweet sweet faces of the mules in the first photos. They are placid, gentle and just want to please......and now look at the ears of the mule named BALUGA that I rode. Baluga is not a nice placid mule. I mounted him and discovered that my mule was very very big. He stood at least 6 inches taller than the rest of the mules, and was very very round. My little fat legs stuck out straight! Baluga has an attitude for sure. As we began our journey, Baluga made several attempts to knock me off by walking very close to rocks, trees or fences then rubbing against them. But I hung on valiantly and tried to reason with my mule. Our guide came up behind and one point and tried to reason with Baluga also, and Baluga tried to kick his mule, then turned his giant head and tried to bite my foot...now all of this may appear funny to someone who is not perched upon a giant rebellious animal who is about to take you down very very narrow steps whilst not falling over the sheer cliffs. My confidence was at a very low point! However there is no turning back (largely because you couldn't turn around) We continued down the mountain and I was thrilled and terrified. The moment we came around a switchback and saw the water will remain with me the rest of my life.
I actually lost my breath it is that stunning. The water is about 1600 ft below at that point in the trail and it is straight down so when my trusty mule nearly fell down I may have peed my pants! By this point I was just letting the big guy have his way with me, as my attempts at friendship were clearly being scorned by Baluga. He walked carefully on the OUTSIDE of the very narrow trail, I think to show me who was boss. There were so many thrilling moments that I can't put it all here but if you ever come to Molokai please make this one of the things you do.
On the way up, Baluga and I bonded and I think he loved me at the end. (especially when I got off him). When I asked about him the guide said "oh he is not our mule, and if you think he is bad now...you should have seen him before" I had thought the guides were just being friendly when they consistently stayed beside me but apparently Baluga needs an experienced rider.
My butt is so sore that I can't really sit down but without a doubt this day was even better than we could have imagined. Aloha