Thursday, October 12, 2006

A picture of our Lindsey the week before Saige arrives!! Doesn't she look awesome!


Rowena said...

Wooot, Mom sets me up for the first postzzzzzz.....Yahh in your face sucka's.

Anyhow just one pic, but what a beaut, Linds you should wear blue more often, I can't believe how little the rest of you is but how huge the small apartment is conveniently located on your abdomen, Man your poor back. I hope brodie is there rubbing it nightly, (Oh and Bro...better get used to rubbing it for a while) MWAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAA

Lindsey said...

Thank u Todd :) Brodie is good to me.. he gives me back rubs when needed. Today is his last day of work!! 4 more days to go!!!!!!

Lindsey said...

p.s. my hair is awesome

Duppa Dee said...

wait, tahts just the window....MAN she doesnt like having her picture taken huh?
See you Monday Linds, oh and all you other people too...I guess.