Tuesday, October 10, 2006

here are some cinnie buns for those that have moved off the continent to drool over.......here are the little 'left over' girls.......where the hell are my pot holders?......(lovely Linkyn) and one of Gummahonienonieluvvy holding Linkyn.


Duppa Dee said...

That hat makes her look like a pilot with some flare.
We forgot a bag of cinnamon buns up there.
See you next week!

gummaluvvy said...

oh no! Maybe they went home with Bro and Linds!! There was a lot of food leftover so I made them take some. I will make some more for you Mike !!
call me when you get a chance Dan, I have a favour to ask of you.

Rowena said...

Man I wondered why Rowena was licking the screen last night. I thought she was just surfing www.nudeteenstuds.com
which is one of our favorite sites. Anyhow I long for a bite of cinnamon covered clouds.... When mom comes to visit I am gonna have her baking like a vietnamese baking..person..anyhow BAKING UP A STORM! I am tired i can't give you gold all the time...I am only a man..Oh no wait I got it now Baking like Betty Crocker....no wait LIL DEBBIE DOES DALLAS!..there ok maybe I can always give you gold...love you all lots..but more so chay..cause you know...mother of my lovechild..

Rowena said...

Nice pics, wish I could have some of those yummy cinnamon buns. I can't believe how fast the girls are growing up. Siobhan and McKenna aren't babies anymore. I'm afraid they will be so big and not remember us when we finally get a chance to come home to visit. Looks like you guys had a great time, wish we could have been there.

Clan Mussellam said...

hahahah aren't they all so sweet... and the girls look great too!!!

wish we had some of those buns!!! Glad you all had a great thanksgiving! We really missed out! We are having a turkey tonight.. Thanksgiving on Mussellam time (at least 2 days 2 late and 2 dollars 2 short!)