Here is the 'not quite honest' post for Maeve.
HAPPY HALLOWE'EN ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL GRANDCHILDREN!! don't listen to your parents either. THEY got to stay home the day after Hallowe'en to eat all the candy they could hold! ............well excepting any popcorn balls that their Mama ate so they wouldn't get sick.
gramma luvvy and pa
oh my goodness Grammy lovey! you are very talented at cut and paste!Hope everyone had a great halloween...XXXjac
oh yeah finally a first post! woohoo!
I was thinking you carved that! I'm feeling ripped off with the lack of halloween posts on here!
Awww, You didn't carve that, and I too remember the popcorn ball ruse, Man those things are as rare as hens teeth yet mom would always swoop in like a vulture and snake them all up, Do people even make those anymore? we used to get them all the time in Poor Mcneil. Booo I miss Halloween, BOOOO
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