Saturday, September 29, 2007

This beautiful girl visited me on Friday for a few hours of NO CRYING!!


Rowena said...

Ack I can't believe how big she is! Well I guess she's always been a big baby, but she's getting so tall now, walking and everything. She's sure grown up fast.

gummaluvvy said...

sniff sniff, I know. You will totally fall in love with her Wee. She is so funny like Bro !
Everyone else is rolling on the floor and he goes "hyuck hyuck" and doesn't even really smile!! She is a doll.
getting excited about you two coming home!
We will be back Dec 30th

Duppa Dee said...

how did brodie help create something so GORGEOUS!! Yet, she looks EXACTLY like him in the second pic.
yes I am jealous, but know that she loves me more.

dylansmom said...

Evie your grandbabies are so cute!! you need some boys in that bunch!