Friday, September 07, 2007

and now for a post dedicated to Pa, the great fisherperson, crabber (may have meant Crabby) and expert navigator without who, I would not have a boat or much of a life!
Love you Robin Smith !


Clan Mussellam said...

hahaha that is a huge fish! way to go your fisherperson!

the last pic of him gettting the crab pots looks alot like this one

but less cute!

Clan Mussellam said...

it wont let me put in the whole thing tho..

so after 1600/IMGP0007.0jpg

do it yourself bitches!

Anonymous said...

cute shots! why did you take pictures of the bait? haha good to see you lovin your man!
luv jac

gummaluvvy said...

OK Vashti I have typed the damned thing about 5 times and can't find it! Would like to see it though!
Love ya