Make sure you check how tall Tanisha is, standing against her very own peach tree. Let's see who grows biggest first!!

Pa and Tanisha are posing behind the peach tree that Tanisha planted today. She did all of the work herself (almost) Andy is just posing with them because he is pretty! Good work to Pa and Tanisha for the beginning of the orchard.
Two first posts for ol gogo!
Tanish does look so TALL! she is a growing girl! and so beautiful too.
Pa and Andy look good too!
Oh my goodness! I haven't seen Tanisha in ages! She is such a big girl!!! Wow, hopefully she'll be there for easter! Any chance? Is gogo coming up for easter too?
WOW ....getting so big and beautiful.....she is !!
We will have to watch that Peachtree grow.
Great job team !!
Wow I haven't seen Tanisha forever. She is so big and grown up now!
Good Job to the beautiful Tanisha and the handsome pa on the amazing peach tree! I wanna plant something in the orchird too
god I gotta teach that gril to spel!
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