Thursday, January 11, 2007

For all of you that I haven't been able to call, Pa and I are heading for Puerta Vallarta on Monday @ 6:30 am. We will have to go to Vancouver on Sunday as the plane leaves so early. We will return to Vancouver on the 23rd and then have to stay until the 24th as the plane arrives late. We are staying at the Luna hotel in Puerta Vallarta so you can check it out. Going on the European Plan which is a switch from the all inclusive so hopefully it will work out.
I am working from now until Sunday so if you wanna phone me, I am at work.
I will think of you all in your varying degrees of winter as I languish on a beach in the keep your eyes open for hurricane warnings there!!
We are taking the lap top in hopes that we can communicate from there but you know how that might go.
Love to all.
Ma&Pa and gummahonienonieluvvy


charli girl said...

woohoo! A first post finally! with all these different time zones you never know! So happy for you two Ev! hope you know European plan means you have to quit shaving your personal parts! ha! I am not anxious to get back to our lovely winter weather yet...We are down to our last days. Poor Charli has been teething hard, so chay has been captive to the condo...oh well, we shall see you all soon! I hope we don't get dumped off the flight for sceaming baby syndrome!
luv ya all, Jac

Anonymous said...

Wow yay congrats! You deserve a break! Glad you are going somewhere warm! Don't bring your laptop there should be plenty of internet cafes or even one in your hotel lobby.. look it up before you drag it with ya!

love ya oh and thanks for the funky feet toy.. I LOVE IT... NOT


gummaluvvy said...

I have been given the strictest orders to bring it so I can send photos so we shall see. Glad you like the funky feet (payback is a bitch) and I remind you of the many noisy toys that you loved as a small and not so small child, well maybe not you but you are the first so there ya go!!
Love you