Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Here are the hike b*****'s at Horne Lake last weekend...u will note that our Jacqui was the photographer so is not in the photo. We actually prefer that as she makes us all look bad.
tee hee we sure did have fun!


gummaluvvy said...

I rest my case about her making us look bad!!
Love to all that read this!
(and tigger I LIKE my growing name)

Clan Mussellam said...

mom, stop being the first one to comment on your own page... it is a faux pas!

on a side note you look fantastic mom! look at your tiny little hourglass in that picture! i can't believe that my mom is wearing something light in colour and body hugging! Honestly, you look great mom.
love you

gummaluvvy said...

well I make so many mistakes on my comments that I often (always) have to clarify! And I am OLD!
tee hee
love you and thanks for the lovely comments!