Tuesday, May 29, 2007

AND A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VASHTI !!!! And who made the awesome Barbie cake for her.....oh i know,..... it was Maeve and Grammaluvvy!!!! who are too kewl for words.

We love you Vashti, now and forever, thanks for being you!!!!

Here are two of the lovely ladies that attended the party! the other two (Saige and Madigan) were otherwise occupied at the time of the photo shoot.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

I thought that I would share the beauty of the wisteria that is growing on our house. I should have noticed the lovely gas can that also is in the picture but what canya do?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Here is a snapshot of a typical morning on the farm! Kaala comes for treats, the sun shines on the beautiful flowers that Makenna, Maeve and Madigan helped to plant and meghnl takes pictures while Papa works!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Saige and Grammaluvvy sharing a moment. Makenna is trying out the new computer game so isn't in the photo.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Here are some pics of when the girls were visiting us, and including Mama's Day and Pa's bday.